Here is the meaning and complete explanation of Luke 10:18
Satan has been defeated countless times, Luke 10: 8 tells us how Christ’s disciples defeated Satan, let’s look at Luke 10:18, which refers to a detailed description of this post.
Luke 10 18 meaning “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven,” Jesus said in Luke 10:18. The return of the 70 disciples that Jesus sent to evangelize and prepare the way to Jerusalem is in the context of these remarks. When the 1970s returned to report, they were thrilled and a little surprised, because “even the devils bow before us in your name” (verse 17). The first thing Jesus said was, “I saw Satan descend from heaven like lightning.” We give a detailed explanation of the whole chapter of Luke 10 starting with vs. 1.
Luke 10: 1-16 Explanation
Luke 10: 1-16 Christ sent seventy disciples in pairs to strengthen and encourage one another. The ministry of the gospel calls on people to accept Christ as Prince and Savior; and that he will come in the power of his Spirit to all the places where he will send his faithful servants. But the fate of those who receive God’s grace in vain can be very terrible. Those who despise Christ’s faithful servants who think of them and look upon them with contempt will be considered haters of God and Christ.
10: 17-24 All our victories over Satan, we receive the power that comes from Jesus Christ, and we must have all the praise. But let us beware of the spiritual pride that has become a disaster for many. Our Lord rejoices in the hope of salvation for many souls. It is useful that a specific announcement should be considered an hour of joy; Little was done because he was a man of grief: in those hours he saw Satan fall and learned of the good success of his servants, in that hour he rejoiced. He always resists pride and gives mercy to the humble. The simpler the way of trusting in the teachings, help, and blessings of the Son of God, the more we know the Father and the Son; you are happier when you see glory and hear the words of the Divine Savior; and the most useful thing you can do to get through his case.
Luke 10: 25-37 Explanation
10: 25-37 When we speak without concern of eternal life and the way to it, we use God’s name in vain. No one can love God and his neighbor in any degree of pure and spiritual love without participating in the grace of repentance. But the pride of the human heart works hard against these beliefs. Christ set the example of a poor Jew in need who was comforted by a good Samaritan. This poor man fell into the hands of thieves, who left him almost dead.
He was despised by those who were to be his friends, and he was cared for by a foreigner, a Samaritan, from a country most despised and hated by the Jews and ignored. It is unfortunate to see how greed regulates all ranks; how many excuses men avoid problems or spend for the comfort of others. But a true Christian has written the law of love in his heart. The Spirit of Christ dwells in him; The image of Christ has changed in his soul. The parable is a wonderful explanation of the law of love for one’s neighbor as oneself, regardless of country, party, or any difference. It also builds on the goodness and love of God, our Savior, for sinful, miserable people. We are like this poor traveler who is in trouble. Satan, our enemy, robbed us and wounded us: this is a sin he has committed against us. Blessed Jesus, who has mercy on us. The believer finds that Jesus loved him and laid down his life for him as an enemy and a rebel; and showed him mercy and commanded him to go and do the same. It is the duty of all of us in our places and to the best of our ability to help, assist and comfort all who are in danger and in need.