Weeds is a curse of the lives of gardener – they tend to appear where they are not desirable. There are many commercial products that help get rid of this undesirable visitor, but many of them can be toxic to human health and animals. They can also pollute the ground and end up in groundwater supplies. Most of them are also quite expensive. Many environmentally conscious gardeners have come up with solutions – organic weed killers made of materials available at home. Ingredients such as salt, dish detergents, and vinegar can provide ready solutions and get rid of garden weeds. It may take a few moments to apply the solution and clean your weed garden, but you will find it all worth the long term. This natural weed killer can also be expensive – but with children and dogs around the house, they can worth the extra cost.
Here are some ways to deal with weeds before using any product.
– Handying: Pull out weeds by hand – they can be composted if there are no chemicals used. There are several good tools for work – ground knife or shovels usually work quite well.
– Use a hoe: this long garden handling is very good for getting out of weeds with roots. Fols are taken from plants so they cannot collect enough energy to put the roots.
– Going Organic: Most organic weed control brands on the market work by burning important parts of weeds to dry. Weed for sale This can have direct results, although if other plants are sprayed, they can die too. Spraying weed control The first thing in the morning generally works more effectively.
– Vinegar-based products: There are several products on the market with 20% vinegar content (there are only 5% in ordinary vinegar used at home). This works the same way; It burns leaves. People injected Dandelion with this liquid to kill them completely. Safe for vegetable beds too.
– Hot water: hot water works if you have weed grow on the sidewalk and on the brick. Pour hot water on weeds and get rid of them without remaining poisons.
– Vinegar, soap and salt: a great organic weed killer directly from your kitchen. Mix 4 parts of vinegar with 1 salt and ½ tsp detergent dish – this helps the mixture stick to weed until they die limply.
It’s easy to mix organic weed killers and use it in the park. The best part is that all these items are available in almost all houses, so they don’t need to buy toxic products.